IRS Sets Crypto Broker Rules

2 days ago

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) did not include decentralized exchanges or self-custodial wallets under its broker reporting requirements. The final…

SEC Sues Consensys Over MetaMask Services

2 days ago

According to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Consensys has been conducting business as an unregistered broker via MetaMask.…

HubSpot is Investigating Hack Attacks on Customers

2 days ago

Marketing software brand Hubspot is investigating a series of hack attacks targeting customers to gain access to their accounts. HubSpot,…

US Debate Silent On AI, Quantum

2 days ago

The US presidential debate omitted AI, quantum, cryptocurrency, blockchain, central bank digital currency, deepfake, and election security. On June 27,…

Bolivia Lifts Bitcoin Ban, Advocating Crypto Awareness

2 days ago

Bolivia lifted the bitcoin ban as the Latin American country is now looking to endorse and advocate awareness about cryptocurrencies.…

Fetch AI Automates FET to ASI Conversion

2 days ago

The Fetch AI network upgrade offers a manual portal for unsupported trades and automates the FET to ASI conversion, guaranteeing…

Assange Donation Highlights Crypto Transparency

2 days ago

Julian Assange received support from the Bitcoin community, which helped ensure that the founders of WikiLeaks returned to Australia safely…

Kraken Founder Donates $1 M To Donald Trump’s Election Campaign

2 days ago

Jesse Powell, the co-founder and chairman of Kraken, a cryptocurrency exchange, has contributed $1 million to the 2024 election campaign…

Logan Paul Sues YouTuber Over CryptoZoo

2 days ago

Logan Paul claims the films presented an inaccurate story and requests damages, interest, and legal costs totaling more than $75,000.…

Bitcoin Miners Pivot to AI as Market Cap Tops $25 Billion

2 days ago

Bitcoin miners adopt acquisitions and AI integration as key strategies, benefiting from AI growth and diversifying to stay competitive amid…