Germany, US Selling Bitcoin as El Salvador Holds

A recent development involving the US and German governments has placed Bitcoin (BTC) and the broader crypto market at risk…

4 days ago

Amazon Invests $11B in German Cloud, Logistics

On Wednesday, Amazon announced a 10 billion euro ($10.75 billion) investment to meet Europe's largest economy's expanding demand for its…

2 weeks ago

German Robotics Struggle as Chinese Competition Heats Up

Ever wonder who builds all those cool robots? Germany's been a frontrunner, but China's catching up fast, meaning the future…

2 weeks ago

Germany Prioritizes Global Min. Tax, Says Fin. Minister

German Finance Minister Christian Lindner said Friday that Germany's goal is implementing the second pillar of the global minimum tax…

1 month ago

German Startups Are Transforming Video Games

In recent years, new German gaming startup companies have had a significant impact on gaming They have a passion for…

2 months ago

Germany’s Healthcare Blockchain Adoption Hits Obstacles

Though blockchain technology can potentially improve healthcare digitalization, adoption is hampered by privacy concerns Beyond cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology is now…

2 months ago