
Russian Law Makers Delays Crypto Mining Law

Russian legislators have acknowledged that the proposed law anticipated to legalize industrial crypto mining is scheduled for an additional delay.…

3 days ago

Biden Bans Kaspersky Software Sales Over Russia Ties

On Thursday, Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said that Russia's influence over Kaspersky Lab posed a substantial security concern, thus the…

2 weeks ago

9 Million Russians Own Crypto: Valery Petrov

Is Russia a crypto hub? Reports suggest 9 million Russians own crypto, but some analysts are skeptical. New laws &…

1 month ago

Binance Loses Hold on Russia

Emerging trends are transforming Russia's cryptocurrency market, and following Binance's exit in early 2024, users are urgently seeking new platforms…

1 month ago

Countries Turn to BRICS Currency Over US Dollar

Two more countries turn to BRICS currency instead of the US Dollar as the BRICS continue to convince developing countries…

1 month ago

YouTube to Block Russia Anti-War Channel

According to a key Russian rights group, YouTube has threatened to limit access to one of its video channels broadcasting…

1 month ago

Russia Turns to Yuan as Dollar Use Declines

Russia's de-dollarization struggles continue as the Yuan weakens, limiting trade options. Russia is in an incredible predicament as it attempts…

2 months ago

Russia’s Plan to Ban Crypto Raises Market Concerns

According to Anatoly Aksakov, Chairman of Russia's State Duma Committee on the Financial Market, the country will impose a blanket…

2 months ago