
Investor Falls Victim to Crypto Hack

In an interview with Cointelegraph, Matthias Mende expressed his shock at the realization that he had lost $100,000 in crypto…

4 days ago

EigenLayer Enhances EigenDA Security Against Sybil Attacks

EigenLayer has implemented an additional security feature for its EigenDA data availability service on the Ethereum mainnet to safeguard the…

1 week ago

Do 24-Word Bitcoin Seed Phrases Offer Stronger Security

The length of the seed phrase is typically not the primary security concern; instead, it's how users store and safeguard…

2 weeks ago

Microsoft Delays Recall AI Release Over Security Concerns

Due to privacy concerns, Microsoft will preview "Recall," an AI-powered tool that tracks computer activity, with a smaller group later…

3 weeks ago

Developer posts secret key on GitHub

A Web3 developer wrote on the development platform GitHub about his regrettable experience of losing money as a result of…

4 weeks ago

TikTok Admits Exploit on High-Profile Accounts

The security team at Tiktok is tackling a breach that let hackers access high-profile celebrity and brand accounts, including Paris…

4 weeks ago

Gala Games Suffers $200M Security Breach

One of the most prominent blockchain Gaming projects, Gala Games, was the victim of a significant security breach on May…

1 month ago

AI’s Role As Fintech Security Gatekeeper

Cyber threats such as identity theft, phishing, data breaches, and financial fraud are becoming increasingly common in Fintech applications Applications…

2 months ago