Grace Onyela

Grace is a copywriter with a degree in Mass Communications who thrives at the intersection of technology and creativity. She leverages her passion for this unique blend by contributing to Grace's fresh perspectives on cutting-edge topics like AI, Web3, and blockchain make her a valuable asset.

Microsoft Uncovers AI Data Breach

Aside from being wary about which AI services you use, there are other steps organizations can take to protect against…

10 hours ago

IRS Sets Crypto Broker Rules

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) did not include decentralized exchanges or self-custodial wallets under its broker reporting requirements. The final…

11 hours ago

SEC Sues Consensys Over MetaMask Services

According to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Consensys has been conducting business as an unregistered broker via MetaMask.…

13 hours ago

US Debate Silent On AI, Quantum

The US presidential debate omitted AI, quantum, cryptocurrency, blockchain, central bank digital currency, deepfake, and election security. On June 27,…

14 hours ago

Fetch AI Automates FET to ASI Conversion

The Fetch AI network upgrade offers a manual portal for unsupported trades and automates the FET to ASI conversion, guaranteeing…

15 hours ago

Coinbase Adviser To Join Biden Re-Election

It’s unclear whether Coinbase adviser will advise the campaign on crypto, but she spoke about digital assets in Atlanta the…

2 days ago

Coinbase Denies Data Breach Reports

Coinbase denies data breach reports, and according to Au10tix, there is no evidence that the credential leaked was used to…

2 days ago

Reports Over Exaggerate NFT Demise

Toshiuki Otsuka, who founded a snap-to-earn platform, strongly opposed the narrative of NFT demise and argued that NFTs are "evolving."…

2 days ago

Coinbase Skips ASI Token Migration

Coinbase skipped ASI token migration, but users can migrate their AI tokens using self-custodial wallets to join the $7.5 billion…

2 days ago

Telegram Mini-App Devs Earn Toncoin

Telegram mini-app developers can now earn toncoin with Adsgram, a tool distinct from the advertising tools previously available on Telegram.…

2 days ago